USDA Rural Development
Geographic Information System Services, Database Design, Management, and Administration, Migration Planning and System Migration, Testing and Certification, Programming and Application Development, Training and Technical Support
The USDA – RD engaged VSolvit for technical help supporting the design and development of their Geospatial program. To provide needed support for existing programs, the objective was set to develop a Geospatial program to provide advanced analytics, reporting and integration capabilities. VSolvit provided the technical expertise to support the design and development of the Geospatial program in the form of systems engineering, requirements analysis, testing, evaluation, and web application development. VSolvit built an Enterprise GIS platform providing geospatial capabilities to support Rural Developments grants, loans and combination grant/loan programs. Working with ArcGIS 10 server, Oracle 11GR2, ArcSDE and geodatabases, along with web mapping applications, the Geospatial program can consolidate data from diverse systems, and can potentially be used as an important decision and disaster support system.